For people hungry for max profit from ads today...
Now You Can Join The AOA Profit Society Team For Only $1!
And get world-class coaching + The Profit Playbook to
create & scale profitable ads! [learn more below]

Founder, Academy of Advertising
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of making ads that don’t sell?
Are you sick of campaigns that start off strong, only to wipe away profits in a few days?
Are you fed up with ads that ‘go to hell in a handbasket’ when you scale the budgets?
Are you looking to finally generate 5-6 figures of profit each month selling your stuff (or others) with ads?
If so, keep reading…
My name is Jason Hornung.
I’m the founder of JH Media LLC, a digital advertising agency that’s:
Been able to churn over $30 million of profitable ad spend for clients in every niche imaginable since June 20th, 2013…
Anything from pet stain removers to consulting.
And since that day, I’ve profitably spent $468,753 PER MONTH on ads.
Here’s some screen grabs I took from my business manager to back up this claim:

Here’s What This Has
To Do With YOU:
As you know, if you’re spending that kind of money and you aren’t turning a profit, clients will drop you like a hot potato…
However, my big name agency clients like Sam Ovens (Founder of…
Keep me around for years because my strategies make them profitable immediately and continue to do so month in and month out…
Here’s the thing:
I don’t get these results by following some “guru” ad course…
I do it from the trenches…
Adapting daily to beat anything the ad platforms and clients throw my way!
- Account & Business Manager shutdowns
- Disapproved ads
- Sky high CPMs
- Profitable ads quitting working overnight
- Funnels not converting
- Brand new accounts without past pixel data
Without content campaigns, “seasoning the pixel” or other nonsense most courses teach.
When it comes to digital advertising…
You name it, I’ve seen it…
And when people follow my advice, they get life changing results.
Just check out this video Sam sent. He discusses how my strategies have allowed him to profitably spend $30,000+/day and earn over $6 million!
Here’s Why Ad Campaigns Fail To
Profitably Scale TODAY...
I’ll let you in on something…
People THINK the solution to making life-altering income with ads is found in some “guru” course…
When it’s not.
Here’s why:
Courses teach binary thinking.
That’s where things occur in a linear, orderly fashion. But that’s NOT how life works…
Nor is it how you scale ads that make millions…
Today, the competition is stronger than ever…
Every second your ad is playing the world’s most competitive game – for a limited spot in front of someone’s eyeballs that could nab your next sale.
In order to win consistent, scaled profits…
You need to make “in-game” decisions that don’t happen in an orderly fashion…
Things like:
- “When I increased the budget, all my profits wiped out”
- “CPMs doubled overnight”
- “Creative was working and all of sudden stopped”
- “Facebook keeps disapproving ads”
- ”Nobody’s buying, what do I do?”
That’s why…
Scaling Ads Profitably Requires
‘Directional’ Thinking...
When you look closely at how the world’s most profitable ad campaigns are operated, few of the decisions were black and white and obviously safe.
With being trusted to turn a profit on nearly a HALF MILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH since 2013, I’ve been forced to make the tough decisions…
That REQUIRED me to think “directionally”…
Instead of thinking in binary (linear) fashion…
And thus gain a massively unfair advantage on everyone else who’s running ads by following some $47 course…
Just like you can too… with my playbook.
It’s this unique way of thinking that keeps clients paying me huge sums of cash from the profits I generate for them every month…
Now I don’t just make my agency clients life-changing piles of money…
I make anyone who cares to listen to and apply my directional strategies profitable!

Turn YOUR Ads Into Consistent
Cash On ANY Budget With This...
The secret to scaling profitably (so you can spend $1,000s a day on ads without draining your bank account) lies in the decisions made AFTER you push ’publish’ on your campaigns!
- What strategy do I use to increase the budget?
- How can I tell when the ad is “fatiguing”?
- When do I duplicate a campaign?
- Should I use “lowest cost” or “target cost” bidding?
- Do I use a bid cap and what should that be?
- My leads aren’t converting, what do I do?
- Help, I’ve spent $1,000 and have no sales!
You need to have “directional” solutions to address these scenarios if you want to scale without lighting your hard earned money on fire!
Over the years, I’ve analyzed 100 million+ clicks and 100 thousand+ sales across 6,011 client’s ad accounts and discovered something oddly funny…
All businesses (no matter the size, niche, or ad spend) will have the EXACT same problem situations that occur in their accounts.
I used to manually spend hours in meetings each week working with clients and my team answering their constant questions on what direction to take:
- “What do I do about______________?”
- “What do I do when______________?”
- “How do I do______________?”
Until I had enough! It was like I was living out the movie “Groundhog Day”…
I NEEDED a way to have my team think for themselves, and make the problem-solving decisions in these situations WITHOUT me.
As I thought about how to do this, it hit me!
Every team meeting felt like I was a football coach.
Each strategy I gave my team for solving problems felt like I was calling a “play” that was specifically designed for that situation…
That was it!
And The World’s First
“Directional Thinking” Ad
Strategy Guide Was Born...
I had my team put all these “plays” we were running for clients into a single document…
And decided to call it: “The Profit Playbook”.
I designed it to give my team directional thinking strategies they could run that would fix ANY problem situation that could arise…
So they would never get stuck not knowing what to do in a client’s account!
Upon implementing:
My team’s questions became so scarce, we went from daily calls to weekly…
That’s when I knew I was on to something great!
I started sharing The Profit Playbook with my consulting clients and their results have been nothing short of fantastic…
Results that I can replicate over and over. Like Nick Fullmer here:
Fast forward to today:
The Profit Playbook is responsible for more profit than any advertising course available!
Because of the 100% unique strategies contained in this playbook…
- 27 clients have scaled to 7 figure ad profits!
- 162 clients have scaled to 6 figure ad profits!
- 2398 clients have scaled to 5 figure ad profits!
- Numerous clients have created 6 & 7 figure businesses from scratch!
Like Josh Jordan here:
These battle-tested strategies will help you create and scale profitable ads on ANY network…
Look How Profit Society Member Jon Rognerud Was Able To Generate $1,000,000 Of Revenue From Google Ads In Only 20 Days… On A Brand New Product & Funnel!

[DISCLAIMER: I won't promise you'll make $1,000,000 in 20 days. But I guarantee you'll make 905.03% ROI over your investment in AOA Profit Society… keep reading to learn how]
And the best part?
With the playbook strategies:
You don’t need to be a writer…
You don’t need technical skills…
You don’t need any previous experience…
You don’t need huge piles of cash…
And you don’t even need to currently have a business!
But don’t take my word for it…
How An Ohio Man Used The Profit Playbook To Replace His Corporate Income In Only 8 Weeks!
Matt had never done advertising before…
And he was able to take the Profit Playbook strategies and IMMEDIATELY use them to earn profits for not only himself, but for clients as well!
Growing a super profitable advertising agency in just a few weeks.
Many people ask me: “will this work for [insert business model here]”…
Here’s the most common business models I’ve made profitable with ads for either myself or clients:
- Information products
- Ecommerce products
- Coaching and consulting services
- Local services such as chiropractic, dentistry and insurance
- Lead generation for auto, solar, etc
- Agency services
The detailed processes and systems contained in my Profit Playbook have allowed me to live the life of my dreams, completely on my own terms…

Today, I work from a penthouse in Portland running ads for my training company and my ecommerce business…
And I publish the strategies and tactics that produce profits now for my businesses through Academy of Advertising…
My work every day is spent creating and helping others create profitable advertising.
I’m in the trenches DAILY living and breathing advertising. This has been and will continue to be my life’s work.
Now that you’ve seen how people who touch the Profit Playbook have turned ads into big profits…
You may be asking:
“How do I get a copy?”
If that’s you:
Join The AOA Profit Society Team To Get Your Profit Playbook Now!
In football, the only people who get a copy of the playbook are those who are part of the team (and it’s a closely guarded secret)…
Each week, the players meet with the coach to review the playbook and determine the game plan for that week.
Without proper coaching, the team’s playbook would be practically useless…
Same thing goes for my Profit Playbook.
You see:
I’ve gotten a pretty good track record over the years of delivering results for my clients…
Because I only give out my Profit Playbook to those who join my team…
Where I guide you each week on where, when, and how to use my Profit Playbook to scale your campaigns profitably and confidently with me…
It’s the only way I can give you the HIGHEST CHANCE to secure your profits!
AOA Profit Society is a coaching program I put together for entrepreneurs, media buyers and agency owners running digital advertising today.
Members of my team get direct access to me for help with:
- Writing compelling and compliant copy so you can keep accounts active while still raking in profits
- Budget optimization when scaling so you don’t set profits on fire
- Making irresistible offers that get people happily forking over their credit card details to you
- Increasing sales by 25%+ without spending more on ads
- Backend systems that refund-proof your business
- Scaling outside of Facebook to 4x profits within 30 days
- Avoiding hidden penalties that networks place on ads, fanpages and funnels (that can make your ads go from profitable to unprofitable overnight)
Here’s how AOA Profit Society members get access to me for my experienced based coaching:
1. Academy Of Advertising strategy group on Facebook.
Every day, I’m checking the group and helping AOA members solve their ad problems.

2. Quarterly implementation workshops.
Every quarter, I hold a two-day event exclusively for AOA Profit Society members. Sometimes we do these in person, other times they are virtual. At these events:
- You’ll discover the latest tactics and strategies I’m testing in my own accounts so you can use my unreleased material to make more profits!
- You’ll get direct help from me with applying what you learn to your business!
- You’ll network with other like minded entrepreneurs that can help you grow your business!
Here’s what some past attendees have to say about how these workshops impact their profits:
When you join my AOA Profit Society team:
- You’ll get strategic guidance on your ads, funnels and offers from me personally so you can quickly create profitable campaigns for your business!
- You’ll get help with making your marketing strategy convert profitably while staying compliant with the ad networks’ ever-changing policies!
- You’ll only spend money on ad strategies that I’ve proven with MY MONEY first (that’s a guarantee, this isn’t theory)
- You’ll get the support you need so you can overcome ANY issue blocking your success – tech, copy, funnels, you name it!

That’s why a 7-figure agency owner, Aaron Parkinson, said this is “like every NFL team getting access to Bill Belichek’s playbook AND a direct line to him for whatever questions you have about it”.
Most people charge $25,000 for an annual coaching program of this magnitude…
But I’m not going to ask you to fork over $25,000 for a year of my coaching…
I’m not gonna ask you for $5,000…
Or even $2,500 (which I could easily do)…
Normally, the annual price is $1995 to join the AOA Profit Society team…
HOWEVER, if you enroll on this page…
You can try it out for 30 days – for just $1!.
When you join the AOA Profit Society team, you’ll get PHYSICAL & DIGITAL copies of The Profit Playbook!

Here’s What’s Inside The Profit Playbook:

1. How To Convert & Scale Paid Traffic Today ($1995 Value)
This is a 6 part foundational training that covers the JH Media methodology responsible for generating over $100 million in sales for my clients.
You’ll discover:
- How to plan your campaigns for profit and scale BEFORE launching! You’ll be able to side-step the money making pitfalls that kill most businesses…
- How to develop your offer so people want to buy what you’re selling! You’ll discover how to structure and price for maximum sales and profitability…
- How to develop your ideal customer’s conversion journey. You’ll discover the fastest, easiest and most profitable way to convert YOUR OFFER for YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER!
- How to conduct concept testing so you can prove your ideas. You’ll get frameworks for making key financial decisions when testing with paid traffic.
- How to optimize offers, funnels and ads so you can reach your profit goals! You’ll get the step-by-step systems I’ve developed to scale client’s campaigns to as much as $143,000 in ONE DAY of profitable spend!
- How to maintain and scale profitable ad campaigns! You’ll discover the strategies I use to maximize profits at scale – month in and month out – for YEARS (I’ve run campaigns for as long as 3 years profitably)
This foundational training will get you to the point where things start to get murky and courses break down…
Which is why I created the world’s first directional thinking strategy guide:

2. 2020 Playbook Facebook Edition ($995 Value)
In order to really understand the power of these 21 dynamic ad strategies and how they work, you’ll need to watch this short video:
When I created the Profit Playbook, I wanted EVERY possible scenario I’ve ever seen with making ads profitable covered…
Which is why you’ll also get this:

3. Advanced Strategies, SOP’s & Frameworks Guide ($995 Value)
This advanced guide is broken up into seven different sections that cover:
- Offer creation standard operating procedures (SOPs) so you can set up profitable offers just like my other clients.
- Funnel SOPs so you can set up the right conversion journey for your product or service. You’ll maximize conversion and profit using these strategies and systems.
- Ad creation frameworks. You’ll get 12 different advanced ad frameworks you can use for cold traffic, warm traffic and retargeting traffic so you never get stuck figuring out what to say or how to say it in your ads!
- Campaign launch frameworks. You’ll get a variety of ways to set up and launch campaigns depending on their purpose. This way you’ll never wonder what settings to use ever again!
- Campaign optimization SOPs. You’ll get the exact workflow my team and I use every day to cut losers, identify winners and make campaigns more profitable!
- Scaling strategies. You’ll discover how to scale your campaigns and maintain profits using my proprietary 3D Profit Scaling system.
- Campaign maintenance strategies. You’ll get the step-by-step processes I use to KEEP profits coming in every day for my clients (sometimes longer than 3 years!).
Now if all this inside the Profit Playbook weren’t enough…
Here’s The Money-Making Bonuses You’ll Get If You Join The AOA Profit Society Team Today...
BONUS #1: Academy Of Advertising Facebook Ads Profit Maximizer course ($1495 Value)

A complete curriculum that has taught some of the biggest advertisers like Sam Ovens how to run ads profitably.
I hired a Ph.D. to review my course material and assist with developing elements of the program so you can remember the material and implement.
Together, we’ve created the training program responsible for more Facebook ads success stories than any other training ever developed!
Plus: you get my MASSIVE SWIPE FILE of ads that have each produced over $1,000,000 in sales for myself and my clients!
- My tracking sheets
- Process maps
- Funnels
- Flowcharts
You get access to it all…proven with $468k/mo in ad spend since 2013!
…and you’ll know exactly what to do with it, when, and how.
You get step-by-step instructions for planning, executing and scaling profitable ad campaigns:
- How to uncover what your ideal customer WANTS TO BUY NOW
- How to easily find buyer targeting
- How to write copy that’s compliant AND compelling
- How to scale campaigns without destroying your profits
- How to optimize your campaign for the highest ROI possible
BONUS #2: Academy Of Advertising 7 Figure Agency Blueprint course ($1995 Value).

You’ll learn all the processes and systems I’ve developed to build my multi-seven figure marketing agency from scratch – with no investors and very little cash outlay!
Here’s some of what you’ll be able to do inside AOA:
1. Get clients to pay you AT LEAST $2,500/month – WITHOUT any previous experience & WITHOUT having to pay for ads!
2. Use my 9 sure-fire client attraction strategies to land clients WITHOUT paying a dime to acquire them!
…like how you can get free traffic and clients from the biggest freelance marketplace.
That’s right!
These client-getting strategies are ORGANIC. You can use them to get your first client or to land 10 more clients.
Plus the clients you land will boost your credibility and happily cut big checks…(like when I was running ads at $10k/mo for people like Frank Kern, Tony Robbins & Agora Financial to drop a few names)
3. Sell PAID strategy sessions that close new clients into your agency! (most people teach you to do these for FREE – yuck!)
You’ll discover this no-selling sales method you can use to actually help people. All you have to do is ask if they want your help more at the end of the call (IF YOU WANT TO)!
4. Know exactly what to say to close more clients on sales calls with my no-pressure sales method
Plus I’ll give you access (as long as you promise not to share with anyone else) ALL my sales recordings…
So you can listen in and know exactly what words closed (or lost) the sale!
5. Hire, train and build your team profitably with MY team building systems…
You’ll get access to the processes and systems I’ve used to build my team since 2010 so you can:
- Know WHO to hire first, second and so forth
- Know WHEN to make these hires
- Know HOW to hire the right people for each job role
- Create a vision that motivates and inspires your team to achieve greatness with you
6. Work less!
You’ll discover the productivity hacks I’ve implemented into my life which allows me to manage my workload and still live an amazing life at the same time!
You’ll be able to model these strategies to achieve a work/life integration that is best for you and your family.
BONUS #3: 4 Week Quick-Start Program For Newbies ($2995 Value)

You’ll receive access to a guided program specifically designed for newbies to get the fastest results profitable.
This curriculum is for people who either:
A) Do not have a business and are looking to become a media buyer or start an ad agency
B) Entrepreneurs who have a business and are NOT running any ads
At the end of each week, you’ll get a LIVE Q&A session with me to make sure you stay on track to get profitable ads within your first month on the team!
BONUS #4: Templates For My Top 6 Funnel Game Plans ($1995 Value)

You’ll receive a bonus training that walks you through examples of the 6 most profitable funnel models I’ve used for myself and clients.
PLUS – you’ll be able to get templates of these funnels injected into your business – for FREE!
You’ll never have to worry about tech with this bonus!
BONUS #5: Access To Academy Of Advertising Member’s Portal Content (Priceless)

You’ll receive access to numerous courses and training videos I’ve been archiving since 2013. This information is constantly being update with new materials across every major ad network!
Here’s Everything You’ll Get For Making Your Ads Pay When You Join The AOA Profit Society Team

1. 12 months coaching with Jason Hornung ($25,000 Value)
- Daily access through team members only Facebook group
- Quarterly JH Media virtual implementation events

2. The Profit Playbook
- How To Convert & Scale Paid Traffic Today foundational training ($1995 Value)
- 2020 Playbook Facebook Edition ($995 Value)
- Advanced Strategies, SOP’s & Frameworks Guide ($995 Value)

3. BONUS #1: Academy Of Advertising Facebook Ads Profit Maximizer training ($1495 Value)

4. BONUS #2: Academy Of Advertising 7 Figure Agency Blueprint training ($1995 Value)

5. BONUS #3: 4 Week Quick-Start Program For Newbies With LIVE Weekly Calls ($1995 Value)

6. BONUS #4: Templates For Jason’s Top 6 Funnel Game Plans ($1995 Value)

7. BONUS #5: Access To Academy Of Advertising Member’s Portal Content (Priceless)
Total value = $36,465/year
Regular price = $1995 one time or $295/month for 12 months.
Today’s crazy offer = $1 trial for 30 days. You may cancel at any time within the first 30 days and we’ll never bill you again...
All you have to do is choose your option below TODAY:
AOA Profit Society
Annual Split-Payments
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
$295 x 12
AOA Profit Society
30 Day Trial for $1*
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
$1 for 30 days
AOA Profit Society
Annual 1-Time Payment
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
($1545 savings over split-payment option)
For The Right Person, This Is A
No-Brainer Offer:
The strategies you’ll receive have been tested and proven and are currently being deployed in the market ON EVERY MAJOR AD NETWORK…
Plus, you’ll get my direct help with implementing them on a daily basis…
For the right person, the AOA Profit Society will PAY FOR ITSELF multiple times over EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
Get your Profit Playbook now:
AOA Profit Society
Annual Split-Payments
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
$295 x 12
AOA Profit Society
30 Day Trial for $1*
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
$1 for 30 days
AOA Profit Society
Annual 1-Time Payment
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
($1545 savings over split-payment option)
To the victor belong the spoils,
Jason Hornung
P.S. In case you’re like me and you scroll on down to read this PS first, here’s the deal:
I profitably spend on average $468,753 per month on ads for my clients.
I created a community called: Academy Of Advertising Profit Society where I share the strategies, processes and systems my team and I use RIGHT NOW to keep our clients making money…
You’ll be able to COPY AND PASTE these strategies into your business WITHOUT being overwhelmed or spending a fortune!
The investment into the AOA Profit Society is normally $1995 one time or $295/month for 12 months.
You can try it for 30 days for only $1.
Choose your preferred enrollment option below:
AOA Profit Society
Annual Split-Payments
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
$295 x 12
AOA Profit Society
30 Day Trial for $1*
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
$1 for 30 days
AOA Profit Society
Annual 1-Time Payment
- Daily Team Coaching From Jason Hornung Via Private AOA Strategy Group On Facebook
- Physical & Digital Copies Of The Profit Playbook
- FB Ads Certification Program
- Digital Marketing Agency Certification Program
- Access To Custom AOA Membership Site Filled With Case Studies & Trainings Constantly Updated
- FREE Tickets To Future JH Media Live Events
($1545 savings over split-payment option)